We are both experienced, Qualified and Registered Occupational Therapists. And have a wealth of experience working in both acute settings, community hospital settings as well as the community. In more recent years we work as specialist Moving and Handling Practitioners for a Community NHS Trust and collectively have over 25 years experience in this role. We have experience in training a variety of clinicians including Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Community nurses in Moving and handling techniques, supporting clinicians with complex handling cases in a variety of settings including hospital, people’s homes, schools and supported living establishments. We are passionate about moving handling and the potential impact it can have on staff safety but ultimately on quality of care. We have both been working as private therapists for a number of years offering consultancy advice and moving and handling training to a variety of settings including care homes, independent school and care settings. Mckinlay & Squires was formed in 2019. We feel we offer quality training and advice at affordable prices
Individual advanced members of the National Back Exchange awarded 2022
Innovation Award winners 2021 at the National Back exchange conference